This little project is about my self hosted personal site. It starts just as a small blog I can tweak to my likes, but I will be adding other sections as soon as I realize I need them.

WARNING: As I already mentioned, this is a self hosted site, residing on a low-resource machine and served through a not-so-good internet connection, so that you might experience the site being unavailable at some times (when resource usage on the server goes up or when I am making a heavy use of my internet connection). In these cases, please be patient and come back at later time.

Here you will find some stories about my thoughts, things that happened, places I have been to, some tweaks and projects I start, pictures, code snippets and samples of configuration files.

Any comments and/or suggestions are welcome, either on the posts, my mail, twitter or github (you can find links for them in the 'About' page and in the footer of any page on this site).

Recent posts

A Seven And A Half Hours Walk

2 minute read

I Just had a shower, and, now that I have freed my feet from the shoes, I am starting to recover some sensivity in them. And that’s not good. Pain.

Running Again

less than 1 minute read

Today I have taken part in a charity run. It had been over three years since I last took part in such an organized run. This one was organized by the section...

Gogs on Ubuntu 16.04

8 minute read

A tutorial post on how I set up ‘Gogs’ on the Ubuntu 16.04 distribution running on my Pine64. Gogs is a web service to host Git repositories, with an interfa...